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Archivo del enero, 2025

Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus and patience

27 enero, 2025 Autor: admin

Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus and patience



Teresa of the Child Jesus understood it and lived it wonderfully. Patience is, in her eyes, the best act of love; love in its most frequent and authentic form

Let’s listen to it: «How is it possible that God, loving us infinitely, takes pleasure in making us suffer?» And she adds without hesitation: «No; God cannot rejoice in our pain, but it is necessary for us. He allows it, then, as if in spite of himself

Let us continue listening to our little theologian: «It is difficult for Him to feed us with sadness, but He knows that He is the only way to prepare us to ‘know Him’ as He knows Himself, to become gods ourselves.»

One more word from Teresa that summarizes the preceding ones: «Life, time, is nothing more than a dream. God sees us now in eternity. How much good this idea does me! In its light I understand the reason for the pain

During her last illness they had left within her reach a glass containing a medicine that was red, transparent and pleasing to the eye: «Do you see this glass? -she said; Anyone would say that it contains a delicious liquor. Actually, nothing more bitter. It is the image of my life. In the eyes of others it has always taken on the most beautiful colors; It seemed to them that I was drinking an exquisite liquor, but it was bitterness.

The Saint Carmelite also knew internal difficulties and sorrows, dryness, darkness, temptations. Her aridity was from the Novitiate until her last days the habitual atmosphere of her soul. Her faith in her Love helped her suffer and accept everything. Likewise, Teresa always welcomed with submission and even with a smile on her lips all the big and small trials of her life; family sorrows, her father’s illness, her own illness.

Joyful acceptance of suffering. Joy in pain was the hallmark of Teresa’s patience.

To suffer it is necessary to feel sadness and bitterness, discouragement and one’s own helplessness. In the acceptance of all these feelings the virtue of patience is exercised.

«If you want to feel the attraction of suffering, the joy in pain, look only for your own consolation, because when you love something, pain disappears.» And elsewhere: «There is only one thing that makes me happy: suffering for Jesus, and this unfelt joy surpasses all joy.»

«I made an effort,» says Teresa, «to smile in the face of suffering, so that the Lord, seeing the expression on my face, would not suspect my suffering.»

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