Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Madre Teresa de Calcuta.The orphaned children of Shishu Bhavan

Mother Teresa of Calcutta








Mother Teresa from the beginning began to teach children in the very poor neighborhood of Moti Jhil. But she soon realized that there were many abandoned children on the streets and, for them, she founded the Niramala Shishu Bavan (Home of the Abandoned Child) in 1955.




The orphaned children of Shishu Bhavan were collected from the streets, sometimes from rubbish bins or found lying on the ground on station platforms. Almost all of them had acute malnutrition or tuberculosis, but all of them needed love. Sometimes, it was the parents themselves who, in a desperate act, left them in the hands of the missionaries. Other times it was the police or social workers who took them away. They were emaciated children, with prominent bellies and prematurely aged. Some were crippled. Many of these children survived and, as they grew up, learned a trade to be able to fend for themselves in life before they married. Others were given up for adoption: the Hindus, to Hindu parents; Christians, to Christian parents.
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