Flora Cantábrica

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María Faustina Kowalska, Confession before Jesus.English.2.10.23

Confession before Jesus.
When I reflected that it had been three weeks since I had confessed, I burst into tears, seeing the fragility of my soul and certain difficulties. I had not confessed because that was the circumstances:  When there was confession, I was in bed that day. The following week the confession was in the afternoon and in the morning I had left for the hospital. This afternoon, Father Andrasz came into my isolated room and sat down for me to confess. Before he didn’t say a word. I was very happy because I really wanted to confess. As always I revealed my whole soul. The Father answered me even to the smallest thing. I felt strangely happy to be able to (208) say everything. As penance he gave me: Litany of the Name of Jesus. When he wanted to present to him the difficulty he had in praying those litanies, he stood up and gave me absolution. Suddenly a great glow began to come out of his person and I saw that it was not Father Andrasz but Jesus. His garments were clear as snow, and he immediately disappeared. At first I was a little uneasy, but a while later a certain tranquility entered my soul. I noticed that Jesus confesses like the confessors, however, during this confession my heart strangely sensed something; At first I couldn’t understand what that meant.


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