Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Best Australian science photos of 2011

20 septiembre, 2012 Autor: admin



Las mejores fotos de ciencia de Australia de 2011



Best Australian science photos of 2011



Australian Geographic








Un bicho arlequín madre ve  la eclosión de los huevos


Harlequin Bugs Hatching: A mother harlequin bug watches on as her eggs hatch. She has spent the last week perched atop the cluster of eggs watching guard. The young bugs emerge looking like miniature versions of their parents and stay closely packed together for a number of weeks





La imagen muestra  la redada de un  águila  agarrando un tiburón



Seized from Above: The image shows a juvenile white bellied sea eagle swoop down and grab an unsuspecting epaulette shark that was trapped in a small pool of water left by the ebbing tides. This photo was taken at Montgomery Reef in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia




hormigas cortadoras de hojas ,cortan fragmentos de hojas de los árboles y los transportan a sus nidos



Atta Cephalotes Worker in its Nest: Leaf-cutter ants cut fragments of leaves from trees and transport them to their nests. This leaf-cutter ant, an Atta cephalotes worker, is among those responsible for processing the leaves into mulch, which is then fed to a fungus that grows food for the next generation of ants. This remarkable symbiosis is the basis for one of the most sophisticated societies on the planet




Los pináculos y la Vía Láctea: Los pináculos del Parque Nacional Nambung salpican el paisaje. Todavía hay un debate acerca de cómo se formaron aunque vegetación se cree que han tenido un papel activo. La Vía Láctea, nuestra galaxia, se extiende de horizonte a horizonte por encima de los pináculos



The Pinnacles and The Milky Way : The Pinnacles of Nambung National Park dot the landscape. There is still some debate as to how they were formed although vegetation is thought to have had an active role. The Milky
