Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Archivo del 26 agosto, 2024

Fabric where the image of the Virgin of GUADALUPE appeared


Virgin of Guadalupe.2
So much for the verbatim words of the writer Antonio Valeriano. But the miracle goes beyond the aforementioned story. Some enemies of the Church have wanted to destroy the image, which had to be hidden for a certain time. On November 14, 1921, they managed to place a charge of dynamite next to the altar, on which the painting of the Virgin was placed… The altar, some marble steps, images and even a brass crucifix were destroyed, but the painting of the Virgin remained intact and not even the glass that protected it was broken.
Speaking of the image itself, the miraculous conservation of the fabric of Juan Diego’s tunic, on which the image of the Virgin was printed, draws the attention of textile experts. The tunic is woven from ayate fiber (from the Mexican species called «agave potula zac») that falls apart after 20 years, as has been proven in repeated reproductions made on purpose. However, Juan Diego’s tunic, after so many years, remains neither torn nor decomposed, despite having been displayed for more than a century on a damp wall, among the smoke of thousands of candles and touched by the hands of crowds of people. indians
What is the reason for this wonderful quality as if it were an immortal fabric, refractory to dust and humidity? Some thought it could be due to the type of paint that covers the fabric. In this regard, a sample was sent for analysis by the German scientist, Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry, Dr. Richard Kuhn. His response stunned the scientists. He said that the colorants in the image did not belong to the plant, mineral or animal kingdom. As if to say: it is something so extraordinary that it seems superhuman
Other scientists studied the image (Dr. Callagan of the NASA science team and Professor Jody Smith) and their conclusions were that the image had been painted directly without trial and error. There were no brush strokes. The technique used was unknown in the history of painting. But there is something even more inexplicable. The Peruvian Dr. Aste Tonsmann, applying the digitalization technique to the eyes of the Virgin, that is, photographing the eyes of the Virgin and magnifying them 2,500 times, was surprised that in the iris of the image appeared: a Indian at the moment of unfolding his tunic before a Franciscan; the Franciscan himself on whose face you can see a tear; a young countryman with his hand placed on his beard in a gesture of surprise; an Indian with a naked torso in an almost praying attitude; a curly-haired woman (probably a black servant); a man, a woman and some children with half-shaved heads and other Franciscan religious. That is, the same episode recounted by Antonio Valeriano at the time of the miracle and that remains a permanent miracle in the eyes of science, which can only say that it is inexplicable that in a space as small as the cornea of ​​the eye in the image , of seven millimeters, it has been possible to paint in miniature about 15 people
Even, according to the latest research by Mexican oculist Dr. Escalante, a venous network even appears painted on the upper eyelid of the right eye. Something surprising that no painter of the time could have done microscopically and, furthermore, so that no one could see it at that time.
The Virgin of Guadalupe is mestizo (the brunette) and her mestizo face, neither Indian nor white, is a face that invites peace between winners and losers, between whites and indigenous people, because She is the Mother of all. The color of her coat is green-blue. Among the Aztecs, only the emperor could wear that color. By presenting herself with this color she is as if saying that she is the Emperor, the Queen of the Universe. She is pregnant and the sun’s rays surround her person, as if they came from that divine son who is a sun (the sun was a god for the indigenous people). She is, therefore, full of sunshine, full of grace.
On the other hand, it has been discovered that the stars on the Virgin’s mantle correspond to the stars in the sky as they were on that day of her appearance, seen from Mexico. As if our Mother had wanted to leave us her signature, the exact date and time of her appearance: 4:40 p.m. on December 12, 1531.
Another important fact. In the eyes of the Virgin the bishop appears with some priests and lay people of different races: Indians, blacks and Spaniards, forming a single Church. And he says to all of us, like to blessed Juan Diego: «My son, do not let your heart be troubled nor do anything worry you. Am I not here, your Mother?» Another curious thing is to note that, in the pupil or apple of the eye, there is a family (the father, the mother and three children), something that could only be seen in the 20th century. In this century in which the family has been so threatened by
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