Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Archivo del 9 agosto, 2024

Phrases of Saint Rafael Arnaíz Barón.

9 agosto, 2024 Autor: admin

Phrases of Saint Rafael Arnaíz Barón.


– «As long as we do not seek God in silence and in


prayer, as long as we are not still, we will not find peace, nor will we find God.


-«Jesus sends me an incurable disease; it is his will to humble my pride before the miseries of my flesh. God sends me the disease. Should I not love everything that Jesus sends me?»


– «Job said, since we receive God’s goods with joy, why should we not receive evils in this way? But does all this prevent me from loving him?… No…, I must do it with madness.»

– «(…) purify myself, perfect myself and become holy (…) before God and not men; a holiness that develops in silence, and that only God knows and not even I myself realize it , because then it would no longer be true holiness…”


– «Humility before God helps us to trust, because humility is knowledge of oneself, and who who knows himself can expect anything from himself?… It would be crazy if he did not expect everything from God.


– «Our peace in the world increases as our silence increases.»

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