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Archivo del 7 agosto, 2024

The rich Epulón and the poor LAZARUS.

7 agosto, 2024 Autor: admin

The rich Epulón and the poor LAZARUS. Epulón according to Jesus was condemned to Hell TO eternal fire. It seems that talking about eternal fire is no longer common, it is from times past, some priests talk more about charity with their neighbors, as if it were an NGO. But Pope Francis has already said it several times, the Churches NO IT IS AN NGO,


It seems that the words of Jesus Christ “Those who believe will be saved and those who do not believe will be damned” have fallen into disuse.



Now they could be interpreted that as he spoke of the resurrection of the dead, those who believe will be resurrected and those who do not believe will not, they will remain in oblivion and the dead will be rThe rich Epulón and the poor LAZARUS.emembered.


Jesus Christ, because he was so good, threatened us with eternal fire: if we did not care for the poor, but perhaps for some that was only a threat.


Pope John XXIII, h was criticized, for worrying about the poor and the dignity of the workers, for his right to associate and demand a fair salary, but he did it because of a mandate from the Holy Spirit to the Popes as seen in the encyclical of the Rerun Novarum of Leo XIII, dedicated to the dignity of workers and their right not to be exploited by the rich
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