Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Archivo del julio, 2024

Madre Teresa de Calcuta 16.English.1.7.24

1 julio, 2024 Autor: admin

other Teresa of Calcutta


«Peace and war begin at home. If we really want there to be peace in the world, let’s start by loving each other within our own families. If we want to sow joy around us, we need every family to live happily. » -Mother Teresa, M.C. THE BIGGEST DISEASE
«The greatest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather feeling not loved, not cared for and abandoned by everyone. The greatest evil is the lack of love and charity, the terrible indifference towards our neighbor who lives next to us. the street, assailed by exploitation, corruption, poverty and disease.» -Mother Teresa, M.C.
«Do small things with great love» -Mother Teresa, M.C
FIDELITY before Success
«God does not expect me to be successful. He only requires me to be faithful to him.» Mother Teresa of CalcuttaAUTHENTICITY
«We preach a good, understanding, generous and compassionate God. But do we also preach it through our attitudes? If we want to be consistent with what we say, everyone must be able to see that goodness, that forgiveness and that understanding in us.»
The fruit of silence is prayer
The fruit of prayer is faith
The fruit of faith is love
The fruit of love is service
The fruit of service is peace -Mother Teresa, M.C. IRADIATING CHRIST
Prayer recited by the Missionaries of Charity after each Mass. IN DEATH
«At the moment of death, we will not be judged by the amount of work we have done, but by the weight of love that we have put into our work. This love must result from self-sacrifice and must be felt until it is done.» damage.» POVERTY
«The less we have, the more we can give. It seems impossible, but it is not. That is the logic of love.» -Mother Teresa, M.C. A critic once suggested that he would do more to end poverty if he taught how to fish instead of giving the fish. She replied: «The people I help can’t help themselves, they can’t stand up. They can’t hold the rod. I’ll give them food and then I’ll send them to you so you can teach them how to fish.»

The Missionaries of Charity have as a fourth vow the service to the poorest (the first three are poverty, chastity and obedience). They do it around the world in hundreds of houses dedicated to the dying, shelters for women and children, houses for AIDS patients, etc.


«I know well, and each one of my sisters knows, that what we do is less than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were missing, the ocean would lack something.» -Mother Teresa, M.C. LOVE
«It is not enough for us to say: I love God but I do not love my neighbor. Saint John says that we are liars if we affirm that we love God and we do not love our neighbor. It is very important for us to realize that love so that be authentic has to hurt.» -Mother Teresa, M.C., upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize
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