Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Archivo del julio, 2024

ALEXANDRINA DA COSTA……THE GUARDIAN ANGEL……Many times her guardian angel appears in Alexandrina’s life. Once, during the sufferings of the flagellation When living the Passion, she told Jesus: “I can’t take it anymore.” And Jesus answered him: “Courage, a little more. You have at your side your Cyrenean, your guardian angel and me. Do not be discouraged” 173. Another day, after the temptations of the evil one, she says: My body was exhausted from so much fatigue. The devil wanted me to say: “I seek, I want and I love pleasures… I want the world and I want sin.” I said: “I will never sin”…


The demon fled at the voice of Jesus who said: “My angel (guardian angel), place her in her place” (because he took her out of bed). And I felt like I was carried by a soft breeze to my place174. her angel to help her. One day she tells us: She was with unspeakable exhaustion (after fighting with Satan) and I heard Jesus say: “Blessed Angel, soften the pain of my dear wife. She puts it in her place. «You are, by my order, his celestial nurse.» I suddenly found myself lying on my pillow without knowing who did it. It was a smooth transport175.,,,,,,,,,,,,Another day, I heard the voice of Jesus: “Heavenly angel, blessed angel, angel that I chose to guard, guide and protect my beloved victim, place her in her place.” ”. At that same moment, without feeling the slightest discomfort, I remained in the usual position176.—————–


-My angel spoke: Oh dear wife of Jesus, I am your guardian angel , the angel chosen by Jesus to support you and defend you, to serve you and guide you. I come in the name of Jesus himself to affirm that you have not sinned and to place you in your usual position177.—————- –


–And Jesus says to him: They are my angels, your guardian angel and the angel of Portugal, who are going to crucify you (to live the Passion). They put me on a cross… My guardian Angel kissed all my wounds. Then, kissing my face, he told me: “I am always at your side and with the celestial balm I soften your sores and all your wounds.”178.–…………


.His angel manifests himself especially at the time of giving him communion in an extraordinary way, when there was no priest. One day Jesus said to him during the ecstasy of the Passion: Because of the anniversary that you celebrate today (one year after having passed the test of 40 days of total fasting under the supervision of the doctors) I do not want to leave you without the Eucharist, without the life you live. I give myself to you through your guardian angel…………………………..


.At that moment, angels in great numbers descended To my bed, singing melodious hymns. And my soul stopped seeing Jesus under the appearance of a man to contemplate him in a white host in the hands of an angel. The angels sang for a little while and bowed before Jesus, saying: “We reverently worship our King and Lord, our God, the God of love.” And then the angel who had Jesus said: “Corpus Domini nostri Jesu Christi”(The body of our Lord Jesus Christ). The hymns continued a little after they had received Jesus and, soon, the angels ascended like doves flapping their wings. But my guardian angel remained next to me looking like a man and told me: “I am always at your side. I am here to carry out the mission that Jesus has entrusted to me. I am with you and I support you in your suffering and in your struggles. I am totally consoled by seeing the reparation you have left to Jesus. “I am your companion in life and in your passage from earth to eternity”179…………………..


.Another day, after living Passion, Jesus tells him: You are going to receive me through your guardian angel. I didn’t see my angel. I only saw the sacred host, quite large and white, very white. Three times I heard the words “Ecce AgnusDei” (Behold the Lamb of God) and the other words that the priests say. I did not see the angels, but I heard the flapping of their wings and I heard them sing: “Our King and Lord comes from his throne, from his prison of love (tabernacle) to stand in food… Reverently we worship him as on his throne. Glory to Your God and King of love! You will receive sacramental as real as I am in heaven. The angels are already descending and coming like flocks of birds. Then, I saw the angels descend with open wings. Their songs and melodies enchanted me. Around me they bowed with reverence. One of them approached me and said the words “Ecce Agnus Dei” and gave me Jesus. A very strong fire burned in my heart. Jesus told me: “I was given to you by your guardian angel. I am the life you live. Look, do you see the angels rise? They go up in groups, some singing hymns, others leading the souls that come out of purgatory, saved thanks to you. What a beautiful entry! What a party in heaven!”181.———————

Jesus said to him on September 20, 1946: Come receive me in my divine Heart. You will receive me into communion. Is your
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