Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Archivo del julio, 2024

Apparition of the Virgin of Fátima to the three shepherd boys
Memoirs of Sister Lucia

The thirteenth of May
May 13, 1917. – While playing with Jacinta and
Francisco on top of the slope of Cova de Iría, doing
a wall around a bush, we saw, suddenly, like a
flash of lightning.

– It is better to go home now – I said to my cousins ​​–, there is
lightning bolts; storm may come.

– Well yes.
And we began to descend the slope, carrying the sheep in
direction of the road. Upon reaching a little more or less the middle of the
hillside, very close to a large oak tree that was there, we saw another
flash of lightning; and, taken a few steps further, we saw about
a lady, dressed all in white, brighter
than the sun, radiating a light clearer and more intense than a glass of
crystal, filled with crystal clear water, crossed by the sun’s rays
hotter. We stopped surprised by the appearance. we were
so close that we stayed within the light that
surrounded, or that She radiated. Maybe five feet away.
more or less..
Then Our Lady told us:

– Do not be afraid. I’m not going to hurt you.
– Where are you from? – asked.
– I am from Heaven.

– And what do you want?

– I come to ask you to come here six months in a row, the
day 13 at this same time. Then I will tell you who I am and what
wanna. Afterwards I will return here for the seventh time (12).

And me, am I going to Heaven too?

– If you go.

– And, Jacinta?

– Also.

– And Francisco?

– Also; but he has to pray many Rosaries.
Then I remembered to ask about two girls who
They had died recently. They were friends of mine and they went to my house to
Learn to knit with my older sister.

– Is María de las Nieves already in Heaven?

– Yes, (I think he must have been about sixteen years old).
– And, Amelia?

She – she She will be in Purgatory until the end of the world (13). It seems to me
(that she must have been between eighteen and twenty years old).
–Do you want to offer yourselves to God to endure all the sufferings
that He would like to send to you, in an act of reparation for the
sins with which he is offended and of supplication for the conversion of the
– Yes, we want to.

– You will therefore have to suffer a lot, but the grace of God will be
your strength.
It was in pronouncing these last words (the grace of God,
etc…) when he first opened his hands communicating to us
a light as intense as a reflection that radiated from them, which
He penetrated our chest and the most intimate part of our soul, making us
see ourselves in God who was that light, more clearly
that we see ourselves in the best of mirrors. So for a
intimate impulse, also communicated, we fell to our knees and repeated
intimately: «O Holy Trinity, I adore You. My God,
«My God, I love You in the Blessed Sacrament.»
After the first moments, Our Lady added:…


– Pray the Rosary every day, to achieve peace for the
world and the end of the war.
Immediately she began to rise gently, climbing in the direction
to the rising, until disappearing into the immensity of the distance.
The light that surrounded her was as if opening a path in the vault
of the stars, which is why we once said that we had
seen Heaven open.
It seems to me that I already explained in what I wrote about Jacinta or in a
letter, that the fear we felt was not properly Ours.
Lady, but of the storm that we supposed was going to come, and of which
we wanted to escape. The apparitions of Our Lady do not instill
fear or fear, but surprise.
When they asked if we had felt afraid, and I said yes,
she was referring to the fear we had
had of the lightning and the thunder that he supposed would come soon;
and that was what we wanted to escape from, because we were used to it
to see lightning only when it thundered.
The lightning bolts were not lightning bolts themselves, but
the reflection of an approaching light. Seeing this light is why
that we sometimes said that we saw Our Lady coming; but
Our Lady properly we only distinguished her in that light when
She was already on the oak tree. Not knowing how to explain or wanting
avoiding questions was what resulted in sometimes saying
that we saw it coming; others that don’t. When we said yes,
that we saw it coming, we meant that we saw it approaching
that light that in the end was She. And when we said we didn’t see her
come, we meant that we only saw Our Lady properly
when she was already on the oak.
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