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Archivo del 18 junio, 2024

Teresa de Calcuta VIII.English.18,6,24

18 junio, 2024 Autor: admin

Father Brian Kolodiejchuk brings to light the most personal and intimate letters of the Mother

Teresa of Calcutta




First part



«She lived a test of faith, not a crisis of faith»




-What is the dark night? -It is a moment of the spiritual life in which the person is purified before the intimate and transforming union with Christ. The book frames that test in the horizon of the whole life of the Mother. In reality, what we understand as dark night was experienced by the blessed when she was still in Loreto (known in Spain as Irish Mothers), the religious congregation where she began her dedication to God. The years 1946-1947 were years of joyful and sweet intimate union with Jesus. «Jesus gave himself to me,» says the Mother in one of her letters. The union of the Mother with Jesus was «violent», deeply felt and lived. Then, when the work with the poor began and the foundation of the congregation, that new and prolonged darkness came (it lasted 50 years, the rest of her life) that was no longer preparatory to another spiritual stage. She speaks of this darkness in her letters to her confessors and spiritual directors



. -So, what is new in the darkness of Mother Teresa? -We know that other saints (Saint Paul of the Cross, Saint Joan Francesca Frémyot de Chantal, Saint Teresa of Lisieux) lived a very long spiritual night in time.


……. The Mother lived her religious consecration as a union of love, as a gift of wife to Jesus, a union by which she shares everything with her beloved, with Jesus, a love of wife and a redeeming love: a love which is especially identified with the pain of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and the abandonment of his Father that Christ experiences on the cross.



In 1942 the Mother made a vow never to deny Jesus anything. Shortly after she was she when she heard that Jesus said to her: «Come, be my light». In the beginning the Mother brought the «light» to places even of absolute physical darkness: many poor people did not even have windows. She accepted her inner darkness to bring others to light. The Jesuit Neuner (one of her confessors) in 1962 explained to her that that dark night was the “spiritual side of her apostolic work” for her.



-Then, the Mother of «the poorest of the poor», did not refer only to material poverty? -Mother Teresa always said that the greatest poverty was not feeling loved, not feeling loved, feeling alone, rejected… She felt this in her soul. That’s why her dark night could be called «dark night of love.» This is specific to you. Her proof is very «modern.» The saints of other centuries lived the dark night as a doubt of their own salvation, as a test of faith. The Mother experienced interior poverty, «spiritual dispossession.» Jesus lived that poverty and the Mother was a pure instrument in his hands so that living that darkness she would be light for others. «If I ever become a saint, I will surely be one of the “darkness”. I will be continually absent from heaven to illuminate the light of those who, on earth, are in darkness.



She didn’t feel. She thus teaches us that we should not seek our faith and love for God and others by what it feels like. Today it is fashionable to say: I no longer love because I don’t feel. No. Love is in the will, not in the feeling.



Teresa of Calcutta: light from darkness (I)



The postulator of the cause of canonization, Father Kolodiejchuk, speaks



How was the «dark night» of Mother Teresa of Calcutta? Father Brian Kolodiejchuk, Missionary of Charity, answers this question. Father Kolodiejchuk has just published the book «Come Be My Light» («Come, be my light»), in which he collects writings of the Blessed, partly unpublished, that reveal how for many years of his life he experienced the terrible suffering of not experiencing the love of God.



-The extraordinary inner life of Mother Teresa has been discovered after her death. According to her spiritual directors, how was her life, especially her suffering from her spiritual darkness, hidden from all who knew her?



–Father Kolodiejchuk: Nobody had the slightest idea of ​​what he lived inside, because his spiritual directors kept these letters. The Jesuits keep some, others are in the archbishopric, and Father Joseph Neuner, another of her spiritual directors, has some. These letters were discovered when we were looking for the documents for the case. When she was alive, Mother Teresa asked that her biographical information not be released. She asked Archbishop Ferdinand Périer of Calcutta not to tell any other bishop how it all started. He told her, «Please don’t give them anything from the beginnings, because once people know about the beginnings, when they hear about the inner locutions, then the attention will be focused and
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