Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Archivo del enero, 2024

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Do not think that I am swimming between consolations (3). No, my consolation is not having him on earth. Without showing himself, without making me hear his voice, Jesus secretly instructs me; he does not do it using books, because I do not understand what I read. But sometimes a phrase like the one I found at the end of the sentence comes to console me (after having endured in silence and dryness): “This is the teacher that I give you, he will teach you everything you must do. I want to make you read in the book of life, where the science of love is contained ”.


The science of love! Yes, these words resonate sweetly in the ears of my soul! I don’t want another science. After having given all my riches for her, it seems to me, like the wife of the Song of Songs, that I have not given anything yet … I understand so well that, apart from love, there is nothing that can make us pleasing to God, that That love is the only good I want.



Jesus is pleased to show me the only way that leads to that divine bonfire. That path is the abandonment of the little boy (4) who falls asleep without fear in the arms of his father … «Whoever is little, let him come to me», said the Holy Spirit through the mouth of Solomon. And that same Spirit of love also said that «the little ones are pitied and forgiven.» And, in his name, the prophet Isaiah reveals to us that on the last day «the Lord will feed his flock like a shepherd, he will gather the little lambs and hold them to his bosom.» And as if all these promises were not enough, the same prophet, whose inspired gaze was already sinking into the depths of eternity, exclaims in the name of the Lord: “As a mother caresses her child, so will I comfort you, I will carry you in my arms. and on my knees I will caress you ”.


