Archivo del 24 abril, 2023
24 abril, 2023 Autor: adminLAST INTERVIEW WITH MOTHER TERESA of Calcutta
He granted it to the Brazilian missionary magazine “Sem Fronteras”. Here are some passages that the Zenit agency transmitted:
—How many are the Missionaries of Charity?
—Teresa of Calcutta: We have 3,604 sisters who have taken their religious vows, 411 novices and 260 religious aspirants. We are spread in 119 countries. Today we have 560 tabernacles or houses.
«Why do they call them ‘tabernacles’?»
—Teresa of Calcutta: Because Jesus is present in these houses. They are houses of Jesus. Our congregation wants to contribute so that people can quench their thirst for Jesus. With this we try to rescue and sanctify the poorest of the poor. We pronounce the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. But we have also received special authorization to make a fourth vow: to put ourselves at the service of the poorest of the poor.
—You usually affirm that there is no love without suffering.
—Teresa of Calcutta: Yes, true love makes you suffer. Every life and every family relationship has to be lived honestly. This presupposes many sacrifices and much love. But, at the same time, these sufferings are always accompanied by a great sense of peace. When peace reigns in a house, joy, union and love are also found there.
—Your congregation has opened homes for AIDS patients in different parts of the world…
—Teresa of Calcutta: Until a few years ago, some people even committed suicide when they received the news that they had AIDS. Today not one patient dies in despair and anguish in our homes. All, including non-Catholics, die in the peace of the Lord. Don’t you think this is wonderful?
—The rules of your congregation indicate that work for the poor must be carried out «in the spiritual as well as in the material sphere.» What do you understand by spiritual poverty?
—Teresa of Calcutta: The spiritually poor are those who have not yet discovered Jesus or those who have separated from Him because of sin. Those who live on the street also need help in this regard. On the other hand, it makes me very happy to see that, in our world, we can also count on the help of well-established people, to whom we offer the opportunity to do a good work for God.
—Do you also receive help from people of other religions?
—Teresa of Calcutta: Yes, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and many others. A few months ago, a group of Japanese Buddhists came to talk to me about spirituality. I told them that we fast every first Friday of the month and that the money we save goes to the poor. When they returned to their country, they asked Buddhist families and communities to do the same. The money they collected has enabled us to build the first floor of our “Shanti Dan” (“Gift of Peace”) center for girls in jail. More than a hundred girls have already been released from prison.
—Those who criticize it assure that its only objective is to convert those who are not Christians…
—Teresa of Calcutta: No one can force or impose conversion: it takes place only by the grace of God. The best conversion is to help people love one another. We, who are sinners, have been created to be children of God and we have to help each other to be as close as possible to Him. All of us have been called to love Him.
ou say that your sisters are not social workers.
—Teresa of Calcutta: We are contemplatives, because we «pray» our work. We carry out social work, but we are women consecrated to God in today’s world. We have entrusted our life to Jesus, as Jesus has given us his life in the Eucharist. The work we do is important, but it is not the person who does that work that is important. We do this for Jesus Christ, because we love him. We are not capable of doing everything. In any case, I always pray for all those who care about the needs and miseries of the peoples. Many rich people have joined our action. Personally we have nothing. We live on charity and for charity.
And of Providence…
—Teresa of Calcutta: We always have to face unforeseen needs. God is infinitely good. He always cares about us.
«Why do so many young women enter his congregation?»
—Teresa of Calcutta: I think they appreciate our prayer life. We pray four hours a day. Also, they see what we do for the poor. Not that they are important or impressive works. What we do is very discreet, but we do it for the little ones.
—You are a well-known person. Don’t you ever get tired of seeing so many people, of the photographs…?
—Teresa of Calcutta: I consider it a sacrifice, but also a blessing for society. God and I have made a pact: I told him «for every photo they take of me, you take charge of freeing a soul from Purgatory…». -Between smiles, he adds-. I think that at this rate, Purgatory will soon be empty.
—What message would you like to leave us?
—Teresa of Calcutta: Love one another, as Jesus loves you. I have nothing to add to the message that Jesus left us. To be able to love you have to have a pure heart and pray. The fruit of prayer is the deepening of faith. The fruit of faith is love. And the fruit of love is service to others. This brings us peace