Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Archivo del 9 abril, 2023




A monk of the Order of Saint Basil, wise in the things of the world, but not in the things of faith, was undergoing a time of trial against faith. He doubted the real presence of Our Lord Jesus in the Eucharist. He constantly prayed to be rid of these doubts for fear of losing his vocation. He suffered day after day from doubt. Is Jesus really and substantially present in the Eucharist? He was doubtful about the mystery of transubstantiation. His priesthood became a routine and was gradually destroyed. Especially the celebration of Holy Mass became one more routine, one more job.


Lanciano is a small town in Italy, located on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Here the oldest and greatest of 400 Eucharistic miracles has been preserved for more than thirteen centuries. This is the story:


An intelligent and knowledgeable priest in the things of the world, but weak in faith, he doubted the real presence of Our Lord Jesus in the Eucharist: Is Jesus really present – not figuratively or symbolically – in the Eucharist?


One morning in the year 700, more than 1,300 years ago, while celebrating Holy Mass, the priest was strongly attacked by doubt, and after pronouncing the solemn words of consecration, he saw how the Holy Host turned into a circle of flesh and wine in visible blood. He was so surprised and moved that he began to shake and cry uncontrollably with joy and gratitude.


He stood for a long time, with his back to the faithful, as was the Mass at that time. Then he slowly turned to them, saying: “Oh lucky witnesses to whom the Most Holy God, in order to destroy my lack of faith, has wanted to reveal Himself to them in this Blessed Sacrament and make Himself visible before our eyes. Come, brothers and marvel at our God so close to us. Behold the Flesh and Blood of Our Beloved Christ!»


People rushed to the altar and, witnessing the miracle, began to cry out, asking for forgiveness and mercy. Others began to beat their chests, confessing their sins, declaring themselves unworthy to witness such a miracle. Others knelt as a sign of respect and gratitude for the gift that the Lord had given them. Everyone told the story throughout the city and all the surrounding towns.


The Flesh remained intact, but the Blood was divided in the chalice into 5 particles or balls of different sizes and irregular shapes. The Host and the five particles were immediately placed in an ivory reliquary, which was replaced in 1713 by the current reliquary, made of silver and glass, in which the Flesh and Blood can be seen today as then.

In itself, this event, certified by documents, is extraordinary. But also, the preservation of the Flesh and Blood, left in the natural state for thirteen centuries and exposed to the action of atmospheric and biological agents, is scientifically inexplicable. Normally they would have disintegrated after a few years.
