Archivo del 1 abril, 2023
Appearance of the Angel to the shepherds of Fatima.English.1.4.23.
1 abril, 2023 Autor: adminAppearance of the Angel to the shepherds of Fatima
. Apparitions of the Angel in 1916
Around this time, Francisco and Jacinta asked for and got,
as I already told V. Excia. Your Reverend, permission of your parents to
begin guarding their flocks. So I left these good companions
and I replaced them with my cousins: Francisco and Jacinta. Then
we agreed to graze our flocks on the properties
from my uncles and my parents, so as not to get together in the mountains with the
other shepherds.
One beautiful day we went with our sheep to a property of
my parents, located at the bottom of said mountain, looking at the ledge.
That property is called “Chousa Velha”. around mid morning
a fine rain began to fall, something more than orvallo. We climb
the foot of the mountain followed by our sheep, looking for a
I guard that it served us as shelter. It was then when, for
For the first time, we entered our blessed cave. It’s in the middle
from an olive grove that belongs to my godfather Anastasio. From there
you can see the small village where I was born, my parents’ house, the
places of Casa Velha and Eira da Pedra. The olive grove, belonging to
Various owners, continues to get confused with these little places.
We spent the day there, despite the fact that the rain had stopped and
the sun had appeared, beautiful and clear. We ate our snack
we prayed our Rosary, and I don’t remember if he wasn’t one of those
Rosaries that we used to pray, when we felt like playing,
as I already told V. Excia. Rvma., passing the beads and saying
only the words: “Our Father and Hail Mary”. Finished
our prayer, we began to play Chinese.
We had been playing for a short time, when a strong wind
shook the trees and made us look up to see what
passed, because the day was calm. We see then that since
the olive grove (11) the figure I already spoke about is heading towards us.
Jacinta and Francisco had not yet seen her, nor had I spoken to them.
her. As it approached, we were making out her features:
a young man of about 14 or 15 years old, whiter than snow, the sun
it made it transparent, as if it were made of glass, and of great beauty.
When he arrived next to us, he said:.
– Don’t be afraid! I am the Angel of Peace. pray with me
And kneeling on the ground, he bent his forehead to the ground and we
He had these words repeated three times:
– OMG! I believe, I adore, I hope and I love you. I beg your pardon
for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love you.
Then, getting up, he said:
Pray like this. The Hearts of Jesus and Mary are attentive
to the voice of your supplications.
His words were engraved in such a way in our minds,
that we never forgot. And, since then, we spent long
times like this, prostrate, repeating them many times, until they fall tired.
So, I recommended to them that it was necessary to remain silent,
and this time, thank God, they listened to me.
After a long time (12), on a summer day, when we had
gone home for nap time, we played next door
from a well that my father had in the orchard, which we called
«Arneiro’, (in writing about Jacinta, I also already spoke to V. Excia.
from this well). Suddenly we saw next to us the same figure o
Angel, as I think he was, and said:
– What are you doing? Pray, pray a lot. The Most Holy Hearts
Jesus and Mary have plans for you
of mercy. Constantly offer prayers to the Most High
and sacrifices.
– How are we to sacrifice ourselves? – asked.
– In all that you can, offer to God a sacrifice as an act
of reparation for the sins with which He is offended and as a supplication
for the conversion of sinners. Draw thus upon your
Homeland peace. I am his Guardian Angel, the Angel of Portugal.
Above all, accept and bear, with submission, the suffering that
the Lord send you.
Quite a while passed and we went to graze our flocks
to a property of my parents, which is in the skirt of the aforementioned
mount, a little higher than the Valinhos. It is an olive grove
that we called «Pregueira». After having a snack we agreed
go to pray in the grotto that is on the other side of the mountain; for the
which, we went around the slope and had to climb a rocky area
which is at the top of the «Pregueira». the sheep got
go through a lot of difficulties.
After we arrived, on our knees, with our faces to the ground,
We began to repeat the Angel’s prayer: My God! I think,
I adore, I hope and I love you, etc. I don’t know how many times we had repeated
this prayer, when we saw that above us was shining a
unknown light. We got up to see what was happening and we saw
to the Angel (13), who had in his left hand a Chalice, on which
a Host was suspended, from which a few drops of Blood fell
inside the Chalice. In Angel he left the Chalice suspended in the air,
he knelt next to us, and made us repeat three times.
– Holy Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, I offer you the
most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord
Jesus Christ, present in all the Tabernacles of the earth, in reparation
of the outrages, sacrilege and indifference with which He Himself is
insulted. And by the infinite merits of the Most Holy Heart of him and of the
Immaculate Heart of Mary, I ask you for the conversion of the poor
Then he gets up, takes the Chalice and the Host in his hands.
He gives the Sacred Host to me and the Blood from the Chalice divides it between
Jacinta and Francisco (14), saying at the same time:
– Take and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, horribly
outraged by ungrateful men. make amends for their crimes
and comfort your God.
And, prostrating himself on the ground again, he repeated with us other
three times the same prayer: «Holy Trinity… etc.», and disappeared.
We remained in the same attitude, repeating
always the same words; and when we got up, we saw