Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Archivo del 8 marzo, 2023




First defect: Jesus does not have a good memory

On the cross, during his agony, Jesus heard the voice of the thief to his right:
«Jesus, remember me when you come with your Kingdom.» If it had been me, he would have replied: «I won’t forget you, but your crimes have to be atoned for, at least, with 20 years of purgatory.» However, Jesus answers: «I assure you that today you will be with me in paradise.» He forgets all the sins of that man. The parable of the prodigal son tells us that he, returning to his father’s house, prepares in his heart what he will say: «Father, I sinned against heaven and before you. I no longer deserve to be called your son, treat me like one of your hired hands.» But when the father sees him coming from afar, he has already forgotten everything; He runs to meet him, embraces him, leaving him no time to deliver his speech, and says to the servants, who are puzzled: «Bring the best dress and dress him, put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened steer, kill it, and let us eat and have a feast, because this son of mine had died and has come back to life; he was lost and has been found ». Jesus does not have a memory like mine; he not only forgives, and forgives everyone, but he even forgets that he has forgiven.

Second flaw: Jesus doesn’t know math

If Jesus had taken a math test, he might have failed. Its shows the parabole of the lost sheep. A shephard had one hundred sheep. One of them strays, and he immediately goes looking for her, leaving the other ninety-nine in the fold. When he finds her, he loads the poor creature onto his shoulders. For Jesus, one equals ninety-nine, and maybe even more! Who would accept this? When it comes to saving a lost sheep, Jesus does not let himself be discouraged by any risk, by any effort.

Third defect: Jesus does not know logic

A woman who has ten drachmas loses one. So he lights the lamp to look for her. When he finds her, he calls her neighbors and tells them: «Rejoice with me, because I have found the drachma that she had lost.» It’s really illogical to bother her friends just for a drachma! And then throw a party to celebrate the find! And besides, by inviting her friends, he spends more than one drachma! Not even ten drachmas would be enough to cover expenses…
Jesus, as a conclusion to that parable, reveals the strange logic of his heart: «I tell you that, in the same way, there is joy among the angels of God for a single sinner who is converted».

Fourth flaw: Jesus is an adventurer

The publicity manager of a company or the one running for election prepares a detailed program, with many promises. Nothing like that in Jesus. His propaganda, if he is judged with human eyes, is doomed to fail. He promises to whoever follows processes and persecution. To his disciples, who have left everything for him, he assures them neither food nor lodging, but only to share his way of life. To a scribe eager to join his own, he replies: “Foxes have dens, and birds of the sky have nests; but the Son of man has nowhere to rest his head.

The Gospel passage of the Beatitudes, a true «self-portrait» of Jesus, adventurer of the love of the Father and of the brothers, is from beginning to end a paradox, although we are used to hearing it:
«Blessed are the poor in spirit…, blessed are those who weep…, blessed are those who are persecuted for… justice…, blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you with lies for my sake. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.»

But the discipules trust on that adventurer. For more than two thousand years and until the end of the world the group of those who have followed Jesus has not been exhausted. Enought with see the all time saints. Many of them are part of that blessed association of adventurers. No address, no phone, no fax…!

Fifth defect: Jesus does not understand finances or economics

Let us remember the parable of the workers in the vineyard: «The Kingdom of Heaven is like an owner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. He then went out about nine and about noon and about three and about five…, and sent them into his vineyard.» At sunset, beginning with the last and ending with the first, he paid each one a denarius.

If Jesus were appointed administrator of a community or director of a company, those institutions would go bankrupt: how is it possible to pay someone who starts working at five in the afternoon a salary equal to that of someone who works since dawn? Is it an oversight, or has Jesus miscalculated? Not! He does it on purpose, because he explains: «Is it that I can’t do what I want with what I want? Or is it going to be your bad eye because I’m good?»
