Archivo del 28 febrero, 2023
28 febrero, 2023 Autor: admin….
Ana Catalina (1774-1824) lived in a time of wars and revolutions.
She was beatified by Pope John Paul II on October 3, 2004. Emmerick is the registered surname in Germany.
Since she was little, she claimed to have visions in which Jesus Christ appeared to her mainly, giving her her cross. She entered an Augustinian convent. When she was 24 years old, bleeding wounds began to appear, stigmata that became visible periodically at Christmas and New Years.
In 1813, while she was ill in bed, the stigmata appeared on her body. An episcopal commission was commissioned to investigate her life and examine her miraculous signs. The Vicar General Orvergerg and three doctors, one of them a Protestant, were in charge of the investigation. The procedure lasted more than three months. Apparently they became convinced of her sanctity and the authenticity of her stigmata.
At the end of 1818 Ana Catalina reveals that God grants her relief from her stigmata through her prayer; and the wounds on her hands and feet close, but the others remain, and on Good Friday they all reopen
When the second ecclesiastical investigation was carried out in 1819, they induced the famous poet Clemente Brentano to visit it; To his great astonishment, she told him that he had been appointed to her by divine inspiration as the man who would write her revelations and would allow God’s will to be fulfilled, that is, to write the revelations received by her for the good of countless souls.
Brentano entered the monastery of Dülmen (Westphalia), where he lived in a cloistered regime as secretary to Blessed Anna Katharina Emmerich (1774-1824), an Augustinian nun, from whom he affirmed that in twelve years she had fed on nothing but the Sagrada Forma (consecrated host), nor had he drunk anything except water. Brentano went to her sickbed in Dülmen for five years to write his visions at dictation, which he published after the nun died,
From 1819 until Anne Catherine’s death in 1824, Brentano recorded visions of him, filling forty volumes with detailed scenes and passages from the New Testament and the life of the Virgin Mary. The details were captured with great vividness, as they hold the reader’s interest as a graphic scene that follows one another in rapid succession, as if visible to the naked eye. Brentano briefly wrote down the main points
After 1824, Brentano had his writings prepared for publication and in 1833 he published his first volume, The Sorrowful Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, according to the visions of Anne Catherine Emmerick. Brentano then prepared for publication the Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary according to Emmerick’s visions, but he died in 1842. The book was published posthumously in 1852 in Munich.
Visions and Revelations of Blessed Anna Katharina Emmerick
7. Death of Saint John the Evangelist. I had a beautiful vision of the death of San Juan. He was already very old; His face, however, was always kept fresh, beautiful and youthful. I have seen him in Ephesus, in the church, I think, for three days, breaking and distributing the bread (/ ancient expression to mean communion). It seemed to me that Jesus appeared to him and predicted his coming death.
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