Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Archivo del diciembre, 2021

María Faustina Kowalska.English,17,12,21

17 diciembre, 2021 Autor: admin

María Faustina Kowalska


Faustina, she had the vision of hell and she tells us about it


I have been in the depths of hell, led by an angel.


It is a place of great torment, how frighteningly great is its extent! The types of torments that I have seen: the first torment that constitutes hell, is the loss of God; the second, the continuous remorse of conscience; the third, that destiny will never change; (160) the fourth torment, it is the fire that will penetrate the soul, but will not annihilate it, it is a terrible torment, it is a purely spiritual fire, set aflame by divine anger; the fifth torment is permanent darkness, a horrible, suffocating smell; and despite the darkness the demons and the damned souls see each other and they all see the evil of others and their own; the sixth torment is the continual company of Satan; the seventh torment is a tremendous despair, hatred of God, curses, curses, blasphemies.


These are the torments that all the damned suffer together, but it is not the end of the torments. There are particular torments for different souls, which are torments of the senses: each soul is tormented in a tremendous and indescribable way with what it has sinned. There are horrible dungeons, abysses of torment where one torment differs from the other.


I would have died at the sight of those terrible tortures, if the omnipotence of God had not sustained me. Let the sinner know: with the sense that he sins, with that he will be tormented for (161) all eternity. I write it by order of God so that no soul will excuse itself [saying] that hell does not exist or that no one was there or knows what it is like.


I, Sister Faustina, by order of God, was in the depths of hell to speak to souls and give testimony that hell exists. Now I can’t talk about it, I have an order to put it in writing. The demons had a great hatred for me, but by order of God they had to obey me.


What I have written is a faint shadow of the things that I have seen

I have observed one thing: most of the souls that are there are those who did not believe that hell exists.


When I came to, I could not recover from the horror, how terribly souls suffer there. That is why I pray even more ardently for the conversion of sinners, I incessantly invoke God’s mercy for them. Oh my Jesus, I prefer to agonize in the greatest torments until the end of the world, than to offend You with the least sin

