Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Archivo del diciembre, 2021


20 diciembre, 2021 Autor: admin



One lady suffered from such terrible headaches that she decided to put a photo of Padre Pio under her pillow in the hope that the pain would disappear. After several weeks the headache persisted and then her Italian temperament made her exclaim out of her mind: – «Well, look Padre Pio, since you didn’t want to take my headache off, I’ll put you under the mattress as punishment.» Said and done. She angrily put the photograph of the father under her mattress.


A few months later she went to San Giovanni Rotondo to confess to her father. She just knelt in front of the confessional, the father stared at her and closed the door of the confessional with a sovereign blow. The lady she was petrified because she did not expect such a reaction and she could not articulate a word. A few minutes later the door of the confessional was opened again and the father said, smiling: “You didn’t like it, did you? Well, I didn’t like you putting me under the mattress either! »


he zapatazo Once a citizen of Padre Pio had a very severe toothache. As the pain did not leave him calm, his wife said to him: “Why don’t you pray to Padre Pio to take away your toothache? Look here is the photo of him, pray to him ”. The man got angry and shouted furiously: «With the pain I have, do you want me to pray ???». He immediately grabbed a shoe and threw it with all his might at Padre Pio’s photo. Some months later his wife convinced him to go to confession with Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo. He knelt in the confessional of the Father and, after saying all the sins that he remembered, the Father said to him: «What else do you remember?» «Nothing else,» the man replied. «Nothing more?? And what about the shoe you gave me in the face ?! ”
