Archivo del 5 noviembre, 2021
5 noviembre, 2021 Autor: admin
Santa Margarita María de Alacoque is the saint par excellence of devotion to the Heart of Jesus. She repeatedly appeared to Jesus with his Heart burning in flames of love, and discovering to him this divine Heart, which has loved men so much, and which awaits us in the Eucharist. She was making extraordinary revelations and promises so that we can assure our salvation and sanctify ourselves with the treasures of her love.
The most important promise is that of the first nine Fridays of the month, but the one that says that she will give peace to families and will bless the places where the image of his Heart is exposed and honored is also important.
Saint Claudius de la Colombière was the great spiritual director of the Servant of God. He was born on February 2, 1641 in Saint Simphorien, a small town in the French Dauphiné.
At 17 he entered the Society of Jesus. After studying him and ordained a priest, he was sent in 1675 as Superior of the Residence of Paray.
One day he went to visit the Community of Sisters of the Visitation of Paray for fulfillment. He says the servant of God: While he was speaking to the Community, I internally heard these words: «Here is the one who sent you.» And I recognized him instantly in the first confession; because, without ever having seen or spoken to each other, he stopped me for a long time and spoke to me as if he had understood what was happening in me … He told me that, if he saw fit, he would see me again to speak to me in that same place … and I opened my heart to him, discovering the depths of my soul, both the bad and the good. On which he consoled me in the extreme, assuring me that there was nothing to fear in the direction of the Spirit, all the more so since nothing separated me from obedience … He taught me to value the gifts of God87.
Jesus himself wanted to unite them spiritually in his own Heart so that they would be forever brother and sister. This is how she tells it: One day when Father La Colombière came to celebrate Mass at our church, Our Lord granted him, and me too, very great thanks. As I approached to receive him in holy communion, he showed me his Heart as a fiery furnace and two other hearts that were going to join and sink into it, telling me: “This is how my pure love unites these three hearts. forever». Later he gave me to understand that this union was exclusively for the glory of his Sacred Heart, whose treasures he wanted me to discover to the father so that he would make them known and thus publish all the value and usefulness of it. For this, he wanted us to be like brother and sister, partakers of the same spiritual goods.
Presenting him then my poverty and the inequality that existed between a man of such high virtue and merit, and a poor wretched sinner like me, he told me: “The infinite riches of my Heart will supply and equalize everything. Speak to him without fear ”88.
Father Claudio and Margarita María were the first to celebrate the feast of the divine Heart of Jesus on June 21, 1675. That day they consecrated themselves entirely to Him and offered to receive and suffer all things to fulfill his will.