Flora Cantábrica

Matias Mayor

Archivo del 19 octubre, 2021

Nagasaki Cupcake.Virgin and Martyr.19.10.21

19 octubre, 2021 Autor: admin

Nagasaki Cupcake, Santa


Virgin and Martyr



Roman Martyrology: In Nagasaki, Japan, Saint Magdalene, virgin and martyr, who, in the time of Emperor Yemitsu, was strong in spirit both in maintaining the faith and in enduring the torture of the gallows for thirteen days (1634).



She was the daughter of noble and fervent Christians, she was born in 1611 in the vicinity of the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Ancient sources refer that she was a beautiful woman with a delicate constitution. Because of her Catholic faith, her parents and her siblings had been sentenced to death and martyred when she was still very young.

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In 1624, he met two Augustinian Recollects, Fathers Francisco de Jesús and Vicente de San Antonio, who had arrived in Japan a few months earlier. Drawn by the deep spirituality of both missionaries, she consecrated herself to God as an Augustinian Recollect tertiary. From that moment, her gala dress was the tertiary habit, and her greatest request was prayer, reading religious books and the apostolate.



Times were tough. The persecution that was raging against Christians was more systematic and cruel every day. Magdalena taught catechism to children and asked Portuguese merchants for alms in favor of the poor. In 1629, she took refuge with Fathers Francis and Vincent and several hundred Christians in the mountains of Nagasaki. In November of that same year, the two missionaries were captured, and she remained in hiding, enduring suffering and hardship with serene joy. She instilled courage to stand firm in the faith, she encouraged those who had denied Christ out of fear or weakness, visited the sick, baptized newborns and for all she had a word of encouragement.



In view of the frequent apostasies of Christians terrified by the torture to which they were subjected and eager to be united forever with Christ, Magdalena decided to challenge the tyrants. Dressed in her tertiary habit, in September 1634, she appeared before the judges. She carried a small bundle of religious books with her to pray and read in prison. Neither the promises of an advantageous marriage nor the torture managed to break her will.



At the beginning of October, she was subjected to the torment of the forca or fossa. Suspended by her feet, with her head and chest inserted into a cavity covered with boards to make her breathing even more difficult, the brave young woman invoked the names of Jesus and Mary during her martyrdom, and sang hymns to the Lord. . She endured thirteen days in this torment, until one night a heavy rain flooded the pit and the martyr drowned. The executioners burned her body and scattered the ashes in the sea so that the Christians would not keep her relics


Beatified in 1981, she was canonized by John Paul II on October 18, 1987 along with 15 other martyrs in Japan.
